DECLÉOR Green Mandarin Glowing Collection for Dull/Tired Skin

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Product omschrijving

Transform dull, tired-looking skin with DECLÉOR’s Green Mandarin Glowing Collection, starring a trio of radiance-enhancing formulas. Infused with revitalising green mandarin pure essential oil, the collection seeks to nourish, moisturise and exfoliate skin, all while summoning a lit-from-within glow.Set Contents:Green Mandarin Aromessence Glow Serum For Dull & Tired Skin 15mlA 99% natural-origin serum enriched with green mandarin, lemon and sweet orange essential oils to helps boost skin’s radiance and minimise the look of fine lines. The formula promotes plump, dewy skin without leaving any greasy or sticky residue.Green Mandarin Sun-Kissed Cream For Dull & Tired Skin 15mlCombining makeup and skincare into one hybrid formula, the day cream works to moisturise skin, smooth the look of wrinkles and target the visible signs of ageing, while offering a sun-kissed glow. The tinted moisturiser arrives in a universal shade suitable for all skin types.Green Mandarin Exfoliating Scrub For Dull & Tired Skin 50mlA 2-in-1 mask combining green mandarin essential oil with natural origin sugars to help refine the look of texture and boost skin’s glow. The exfoliating scrub works to buff away dead skin, while botanical oils help to nourish and smooth.


Merk Decleor
EAN 5051858773214