Oral-B Pro 3500 3D White Pink Electric Toothbrush with Travel Case - Tandenborstel

Van het merk Oral B

Er zijn helaas geen Oral-B Pro 3500 3D White Pink Electric Toothbrush with Travel Case - Tandenborstel aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Discover an intuitive brushing experience with the Oral-B Pro 3500 3D White Pink Electric Toothbrush. Featuring a sleek handle, built-in 2-minute time and 360 ̊ gum pressure control, the toothbrush is designed to help you brush as your dentist recommends. The timer notifies you every 30 seconds to change the brushing area, while the gum pressure control helps to protect your delicate gums. Three brushing modes (daily clean, whitening and sensitive) allow you to create an intuitive brushing experience. Complete with a lithium-ION battery offering up to two weeks of use from one charge, the toothbrush promotes a professional oral hygiene routine.


Merk Oral B
EAN 4210201337850