TechDeck 4-Pack Fingerboard patroon

Van het merk Techdeck

Er zijn helaas geen TechDeck 4-Pack Fingerboard patroon aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

4 fingerboards from TechDeck. These fingerboards are designed and built with high quality parts for ultimate action. From nose to tail, TechDeck Performance Series fingerboards are built to feel like a real skateboard. The deck allows for better pop to do even bigger tricks and features real graphics from the biggest skateboard brands.The griptape gives you more control so you can progress and fingerboard like a pro. The soft, grippy wheels give you the feeling of real skating and further improve the handling and control of your board. The rubber bushings make for tighter turns and a more realistic feel when performing all your tricks. TechDeck fingerboards are suitable for skate lovers aged 6 and over. Take your skills to the next level with the Performance Series Fingerboards from TechDeck and skate like a pro!


Merk Techdeck
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