NARS Orgasm X Mini Blush 2.5g

Van het merk Nars

Er zijn helaas geen NARS Orgasm X Mini Blush 2.5g aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Enliven the complexion with the NARS Cosmetics Mini Orgasm Blush; a silky, award-winning formula infused with transparent pigments. Arriving in a variety of iconic NARS hues with both matte and shimmering finishes, the pressed powder blusher is able to deliver a natural-looking flush to complement all skin tones The micronised powder formula effortlessly sweeps over skin, blending seamlessly for a subtle and natural look, even with the most high-intensity shades. Expect an enviable flush in an instant.


Merk Nars
EAN 194251007021