Impala Serpens Skateboard 8.25" Complete patroon

Van het merk Impala

Er zijn helaas geen Impala Serpens Skateboard 8.25" Complete patroon aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Impala combine the art of Art Baby Girl with the latest skate technology . Ready-assembled and made exclusively from high-quality components, this setup brings with it plenty of pop and colourful moments. The Impact Support construction provides more pop and durability. Riding styleThe board is suitable for any terrain, whether street, park or ramp.ShapeThe shape of the deck is classic and the medium concave ensures a safe stand.SetupDeck, wheels and trucks are perfectly and optimally adapted to the needs of female skaters. The wheels are ideal for the smooth concrete surface in the skate park or for skating in the street. The trucks are stable and offer responsive steering. The deck comes in the durable resin 7 construction.


Merk Impala
EAN 0194604138235