Arbor Artist Pocket Rocket 27" Complete patroon

Van het merk Arbor

Er zijn helaas geen Arbor Artist Pocket Rocket 27" Complete patroon aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The ideal companion in a compact size. No matter if it's just for a short shopping trip in the city or as a casual pastime - thanks to the small pack size, you can strap the Artist Pocket Rocket 27" to your backpack and go through everyday life. The Mini Cruiser has been around for half an eternity. The great popularity results from the practical, small size and the soft wheels. So you always have the board with you and roll comfortably over any kind of rough road surface.Riding styleWith this complete board, riding fun and style come first. Whether cruising and carving through the city, or as a compact means of transport.ShapeAn absolute old school skateboard: pointed nose, pronounced kicktail and that's it. What more does a cruiser need?SetupAll Arbor skate decks are handmade and built from sustainable wood. The trucks and wheels are perfectly adjusted to the board. Thanks to the wide tread and the slightly softer hardness of the wheels, you can easily sweep across pebbles and small branches. The deck consists of 7 layers of Canadian maple wood.


Merk Arbor
EAN 5059415095373