Piz Buin Travel Gift Set

Van het merk Piz Buin

Er zijn helaas geen Piz Buin Travel Gift Set aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Perfect for travelling all year round, the Piz Buin Travel Gift Set equips you with everything you need to protect your skin against the sun. Set Contents: Allergy Sun Sensitive Skin Face Cream SPF 50+ 50ml A facial sun cream featuring UVA/UVB SPF 50 protection, specially designed for sensitive skin types. The formula utilises a unique Calmanelle™ complex to deliver soothing and softening benefits to the skin. Tan & Protect Tan Intensifying Sun Oil Spray SPF30 150ml An oil featuring SPF 30, formulated to enhance the appearance of your natural tan. After Sun Tan Intensifying Moisturising Lotion 200ml A lotion designed to nurture your skin after sun exposure. The cream delivers up to 24 hours of hydration to help minimise dryness. Gift Bag A beauty bag to store all your travel-sized essentials.


Merk Piz Buin
EAN 3574661744001