NEOM Sleep Heroes Set

Van het merk Neom

Er zijn helaas geen NEOM Sleep Heroes Set aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Elevating your evening winddown routine, NEOM’s Sleep Heroes Set unites a bath foam and pillow mist. Infused with the Bedtime Hero fragrance, the duo imparts a deeply relaxing blend of chamomile, ylang-ylang and cedarwood. Set Contents: Bedtime Hero Bath Foam 200ml Blended with the Bedtime Hero fragrance, the bath foam impart a soothing fragrance as you immerse yourself in a relaxing bath. Marshmallow, coconut oil, sweet almond oil and aloe enhance the formula, leaving skin feeling silky-soft post-bathe. Bedtime Hero Pillow Mist 30ml A fine pillow mist infused with a sweet, fruity blend of 11 pure essential oils. 100% natural and expertly blended, the mist is designed for use before bedtime as you begin your winddown routine.


Merk Neom
EAN 5060560208143