NEOM Exclusive in Your Dreams Collection

Van het merk Neom

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Product omschrijving

Indulge in a luxurious evening ritual with the NEOM In Your Dreams Collection, an assortment of beauty treats that pamper the skin and senses. Set Contents: Bedtime Hero Essential Oil Blend 10ml An aromatic essential oil blend that can be added to your diffuser, bath or massage oil for a moment of self-care. Bedtime Hero Travel Candle 75g Create a tranquil atmosphere with this miniature candle. Made with 100% naturally-derived wax, the candle imbues your living space with a blend of floral and woody nuances. Calming Hand Balm 100ml Nourish hard-working hands with this indulgent cream. The lotion cocoons the skin in moisture, helping to minimise feelings of dryness. Perfect Night's Sleep Magnesium Body Butter 30ml Featuring magnesium, shea butter and aloe vera, alongside a blend of nurturing oils, this body cream conditions the skin for a touchably soft finish. Perfect Night's Sleep Overnight Facial Cream 10ml Promote the illusion of a well-rested complexion with this overnight facial. Offering up to 48 hours of hydration, the hyaluronic acid-infused cream works as you rest to visibly plump and firm the skin. Bedtime Hero Pillow Mist 30ml The perfect addition to your bedtime routine, this pillow spray soothes the senses with a serene blend of chamomile, cedarwood and ylang ylang.


Merk Neom
EAN 5060922037701