This works Dream To Sleep Set

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Product omschrijving

An award-winning trio of sleep solutions for relaxing evenings and brighter mornings. Create the ultimate sleep-inducing routine. When: For evenings when a comprehensive sleep routine is all that will do the trick. How: The Deep Sleep Superblend combines 100% natural essential oils of Lavender, Vetivert and Camomile to relax your body into restful sleep. Start with a shower or bath, over an hour before bed, to soothe skin with deep sleep shower gel then, once dry, massage deep sleep body cocoon with Shea Butter, Crambe, Camelia and Sativa Oils for ultra-moisturising effects on the skin. End with deep sleep pillow spray, proven to help you fall asleep faster. Why: To reap the mental and physical rewards of a good night's sleep. Set Contents: Deep Sleep Pillow Spray 75ml Deep Sleep Shower Gel 100ml Deep Sleep Body Cocoon 100ml


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