Ultrasun Mineral Body SPF30 Lotion 100ml

Van het merk Ultrasun

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Product omschrijving

Defend your skin against environmental aggressors with Ultrasun Mineral Body SPF30 Lotion. Though we cannot always see or feel the effects, light rays in the atmosphere can cause damage to our skin over time. The brand’s smooth, lightweight formula offers heavy duty protection against UVA, UVB and HEV light to ensure faces and bodies remain happy and healthy, whether the sun is shining or not.The antioxidant-infused mineral lotion uses physical filters to form a barrier between your skin and the sun, helping to minimise the chances of sunburn as well as reducing potential damage from penetrative light rays. The sun cream also boasts water-resistant properties, making it the perfect travelling companion.Free from Perfumes, Emulsifiers, Silicones and Preservatives.


Merk Ultrasun
EAN 756848472430