NARS Endless Nights Eyeshadow Palette

Van het merk Nars

Er zijn helaas geen NARS Endless Nights Eyeshadow Palette aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Ultimate party palette. Unforgettable night. Catch eyes across the dancefloor with a limited-edition palette featuring nine lustrous eyeshadows in matte, shimmer, metallic, and sparkling finishes. Turn heads with a spectrum of high-pigment, seductive shades, from shimmering neutrals and matte pink tones to pops of iridescent lilac and metallic purple. Pure pigments suspended in a unique liquid binding system create rich, high-impact colour in just one stroke, while silky texture effortlessly builds and blends from subtle to bold. Features an exclusive, holiday-edition compact embossed with glittering gold.


Merk Nars
EAN 194251141350