Maybelline SuperStay Vinyl Ink Liquid Lipstick 4.2ml (Various Shades) - 95 Captivated

Van het merk Maybelline

Er zijn helaas geen Maybelline SuperStay Vinyl Ink Liquid Lipstick 4.2ml (Various Shades) - 95 Captivated aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Transfer and smudge-proof, Maybelline’s SuperStay Vinyl Ink Liquid Lipstick is designed to produce long-lasting vinyl colour.Lasting for up to 16 hours, the high-shine gloss is formulated with vitamin E and aloe to nourish and visibly smooth lips. Perfect for everyday wear, the Ink Liquid Lipstick is available in eight supple nude shades.Vegan and certified cruelty-free.


Merk Maybelline
EAN 30147492