Miller Harris Tea Scented Reed Diffuser 150ml

Van het merk Miller Harris

Er zijn helaas geen Miller Harris Tea Scented Reed Diffuser 150ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Miller Harris Tea Scented Reed Diffuser is a revitalising diffuser that promotes a tranquil atmosphere. Evoking visions of a late autumn evening when the light begins to fade, the diffuser delivers a clean, refreshing scent.A blend of black tea leaves and maté introduce the fragrance, intertwined with uplifting bergamot accord. Green tea and earl grey offer a refreshing aroma, helping to soothe the senses, as nutmeg offers a spicy twist.The diffuser is housed in a soft, grey matte bottle, adding a touch of sophistication to the abode. 100% recyclable glass.


Merk Miller Harris
EAN 5051198202320