FOREO ESPADA 2 Device - Pearl Pink

Van het merk Foreo

Er zijn helaas geen FOREO ESPADA 2 Device - Pearl Pink aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Ideal for blemish-prone skin, FOREO’s ESPADA 2 Device joins the powers of blue LED light and T-Sonic™ pulsations to visibly diminish post-breakout marks and protect against future blemishes. The hand-held device is powered by up to 3000 mW of blue LED light to help reduce the appearance of inflammation and discolouration, alongside 415 nm blue LED to protect from acne-causing bacteria. The powerful pulsations provide a stimulating effect on the skin, said to support the skin cell renewal process and encourage a renewed and refreshed look. Plus, the innovative facial tool seeks to minimise visible excess oils, reducing the appearance of any unwanted shine while diminishing the look of enlarged and congested pores.


Merk Foreo
EAN 7350120791771