Perricone MD High Potency Classics Face Finishing & Firming Tinted Moisturiser SPF 30 59ml

Van het merk Perricone Md

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Product omschrijving

Protect and perfect your skin with Perricone MD Face Finishing & Firming Tinted Moisturizer SPF 30, an oil-free tinted moisturiser that delivers essential hydration with a flattering hint of colour. Lightweight and fast-absorbing, the silky smooth formula contains unique, pigment-filled capsules that slowly release on application to create a luminous base. Fortified with mineral-based SPF 30, the lotion provides protection against UVA/UVB rays while minimising the appearance of wrinkles and imperfections. Working well with all skin types, the hydrating formula also contains Alpha Lipoic Acid, a fatty acid present in every cell to refine the look of fine lines and pores. Wear alone or under foundation. Velvety Rose fragrance. Free from parabens. Not tested on animals.


Merk Perricone Md
EAN 651473707974