Look Geo Trekking ROC Vision Pedals - Klikpedalen

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Product omschrijving

These pedals feature a hard-wearing aluminium body construction, which makes them great at withstanding all the abuse of daily commuting. Look has also equipped these with CrMo axles, so you'll benefit from their brilliant strength when navigating around the city. Engineered for safety, these high-quality pedals are also equipped with micro USB rechargeable lights. This game-changing design allows you to be seen during the dark hours, while their sealed caps stop any water from creeping inside. ONE CLIPLESS SIDE, ONE FLAT SIDE The GEO TREKKING pedal range has been designed to support you in your everyday journeys, between office and home, in the city, on cycle lane, amongst traffic or simply when adventure calls and you set off on roads or trails, in search of new horizons. The GEO TREKKING pedal range has been designed to support you in your everyday journeys. Whether it be between the office and home or in the city, a bike lane, or amongst traffic the GEO TREKKING pedal is there to offer that versatility. When adventure calls and for you to search out new horizons off road, the GEO TREKKING answers that call with SPD compatibility. That versatility means that the GEO TREKKING pedal can tackle every situation and in all conditions. Providing unparalleled freedom. The clipless side is SPD compatible with a retention adjustment system ranging from 5 to 10. All of the GEO TREKKING pedals come with our “easy” cleat that allows a 30% easier clip in and out in multi directions. VISION : THE INNOVATIVE LIGHT SOLUTION We have all experienced it. Will drivers see me clearly? This was at the heart of our concerns when designing and developing the GEO TREKKING VISION pedals. We created a light that is simple and versatile to use. The GEO TREKKING LIGHT simply clips in and out of the GEO TREKKING pedals answering, “Can the drivers see me”. When the light needs a fresh charge, just plug it into your USB cord and charge away. Simplicity, Safety, Innovation. LOOK GEO TREKKING VISION. And so we came up with the VISION solution. A light. Simple, easy to use and versatile, which clips onto your pedal. The GEO TREKKING and GEO TREKKING ROC models are available with the VISION solution.


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