HUUB Altair Prescription Lens (Left) - Zwembrillen

Van het merk Huub

Er zijn helaas geen HUUB Altair Prescription Lens (Left) - Zwembrillen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Created for myopic correction (short-sightedness), the HUUB Altair Prescription Lens are made in increments of 0.5, from -1.50 to -6.00. Giving you crystal clear vision for maximum performance in the water. With interchangeable lenses, you can easily swap out the original lens of the Altair Goggles and match your prescription. Made from high-grade polycarbonate, these lenses are highly durable and feature a smoked lens, anti-fog coating and U.V protection so your vision is always razor-sharp, and your eyes are shielded and safe from the sun's powerful rays when open water swimming. 


Merk Huub
EAN 5060710253030