OMM Women's Halo Pant - Lange broeken

Van het merk Omm

Er zijn helaas geen OMM Women's Halo Pant - Lange broeken aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Move fast and light in the OMM Halo Pant. The minimal taped seams, 2 layer waterproof fabric and a hydrostatic head provide full protection against the wet weather, supporting up to a 10,000mm water column. Built and tested for events like the Original Mountain Marathon, these pants provide full freedom of movement without restriction thanks to the articulated knees. Ideal for lightweight running during unpredictable conditions and pairs up with the Halo Smock to provide complete protection, with the full suit only weighing in at 175g.


Merk Omm
EAN 5060521481899