Acros AH-49 EC49/38.1 Upper Headset - Balhoofden

Van het merk Acros

Er zijn helaas geen Acros AH-49 EC49/38.1 Upper Headset - Balhoofden aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Perfect for updating your existing upper headset interface, this upper headset features a hard-wearing aluminium construction. This makes it more than capable of handling all the intensity that's associated with all-day epics in the mountains and long-distance rides on your road bike. Allowing your fork's steerer to rotate inside the frame's headtube, this upper headset is equipped with stainless steel bearings. This gives it an extra layer of durability, while its R3 seal allows it to perform in all-weather conditions. Manufacturer Part Numbers: 1 1/8": 1702605R3S 1.5": 1502605R3S


Merk Acros
EAN 4251085423857