Ergon GA3 Grips - Handvatten

Van het merk Ergon

Er zijn helaas geen Ergon GA3 Grips - Handvatten aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

These grips are also ergonomically shaped to fit the hand perfectly. This enables you to hold the grip less tightly, yet still have precise control. This reduces pressure points on the hands and reduces arm pump on long descents or day-long trail sessions. Inside the grip, there is a double-butted core that dampens the shock of sudden impacts and vibrations. Comes with a Single twist-shift shorter grip. Tech Tip: Although your flat handlebars may be 31.8mm or 35mm at the central stem clamping area, most flat bars have a standard 22.2mm diameter at the ends of the bars. These grips, as with most grips on the market, are designed for bars with this standard 22.2mm measurement at the end of the bars.


Merk Ergon
EAN 4260477068972