VeloToze Short Overshoes 2.0 - Overschoenen

Van het merk Velotoze

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Product omschrijving

VeloToze have completely redesigned their road cycling shoe covers to make them more durable, easier to get on, and easier to care for. They are still made from the signature lightweight and waterproof material but are now reinforced on the bottom and in the toe area of the shoe covers so they are more durable and last longer. A special coating has been added to the inside of the covers so they're easier to dry and use again. We hope you are as excited about this update as we are!  VeloToze Tall Shoe Covers are designed for road cycling on cold, rainy or snowy days. Whether it’s race day, training day or just another commute day, veloToze Short Shoe Covers will keep your feet dry, warm and comfortable. HOW TO FIT YOUR VELOTOZE OVERSHOES Due to the fully flexible design without zippers or velcro there is a recommended method for getting the VeloToze on. Once you've mastered it you'll find it does become second nature and a simple, easy process. 1: Put on sock and bike shoe 2: Pull shoe cover over toe of shoe 3: Then pull shoe cover over heel, being careful not to catch on cleats 4: Ensure no part of shoe covers are over cleats or heel pad. Pull shoe cover off of cleats and heel pad if necessary. CARE INSTRUCTIONS To clean shoe covers/overshoes, wipe with a cool, wet cloth. Do not put shoe covers in clothes washer. To dry, hang shoe covers/overshoes over a hanger or ledge or wipe with a dry cloth. The material does not absorb water, so they should dry quickly. Do not put shoe covers/overshoes in clothes dryer. After repeated use, apply talcum or baby powder to inside of shoe cover/overshoe to prevent sticking TIPS To prevent water from entering the shoe from the bottom of the shoe, remove insole of shoe and place tape over vent opening. Avoid contact with sharp objects Do not store in direct sunlight


Merk Velotoze
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