K2 Raider 2024 Snowboard schoenen wit

Van het merk K2

Er zijn helaas geen K2 Raider 2024 Snowboard schoenen wit aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

K2 Raider softboot for men - comfortable entry for a comfortable descent . The K2 Raider softboot was designed according to the principle of a skate shoe. Thanks to the simplicity of the H4 BOA® Fit lacing system, it offers everything you need for jibbing, in the park and on the summit.Outer bootThe rubber RollSole sole offers maximum grip and is extremely durable. Together with the EVA footbed, you're guaranteed comfort and cushioning. The 3D pre-shaped tongue distributes the pressure evenly and thus prevents unpleasant pressure points.LinerThe Intuition® Comfort Foam 3D liner adapts perfectly to your foot through warmth. This guarantees the perfect fit and comfort from the first time you wear it. The J-Bar reinforcements inside and outside provide better support for your heel, which is supported by the fast Fast-In lacing.Lacing systemThe BOA® lacing system is low-friction and space-saving. You'll have your boot laced up in no time at all. The boot can be opened just as quickly, you only have to pull the click wheel forward.


Merk K2
EAN 196222151214