Ashbury Hornet Rio (+Bonus Lens) Goggle wit

Van het merk Ashbury

Er zijn helaas geen Ashbury Hornet Rio (+Bonus Lens) Goggle wit aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

MODERN AND LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN WITH QUICK-CHANGE SYSTEM . The Ashbury Hornet Goggle comes with a design for riders who prefer smaller, frameless snow goggles. The modern look, lightweight construction and features such as the silicone-coated goggle strap, make the Sonic one of the most popular snow goggles in the Ashbury collection.An interchangeable lens for poor light conditions ensures visibility on cloudy days.Dark Smoke LensFor sunny and only slightly cloudy days.Transmittance of visible light: 17 %Yellow LensFor very cloudy days.Transmittance of visible light: 54 %


Merk Ashbury
EAN 638457852851