Berrics Skateboarding T-Shirt grijs

Van het merk Berrics

Er zijn helaas geen Berrics Skateboarding T-Shirt grijs aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Berrics Skateboarding T-Shirt. The Berrics is not just a skate brand, but a cultural phenomenon that has left an indelible mark on the skateboarding world. Established by professional skateboarders Steve Berra and Eric Koston, The Berrics came to life in 2007 as an indoor skate park and online skateboarding platform located in Los Angeles, California.The Berrics' clothing line epitomizes skate culture's essence. From street-ready tees to durable hoodies, every piece exudes the spirit of skateboarding. The Berrics' clothing isn't just attire, it's a statement of belonging to a global community that celebrates the art of riding.


Merk Berrics
EAN 8887913801540