Volcom Stone.91 Ins Jas bruin

Van het merk Volcom

Er zijn helaas geen Volcom Stone.91 Ins Jas bruin aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Warm Volcom snowboard jacket for boys . We only want the best for our future snowboard kings. That's why Volcom has equipped the Stone.91 Insulated snowboard jacket with all the outstanding premium features you could wish for.The V-Science material combines 10K water column and breathability, while the 150 g/m² insulation and the seams sealed at critical zones ensure that the cold stays out.Grow-Tech ensures that the jacket will still fit next season, as Grow-Tech equipped clothing grows with you to a certain extent.In addition, the new Zip Tech® jacket-to-pants connection system ensures that powder stays on the slope and does not penetrate the jacket or pants.


Merk Volcom
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