Fallen The Crest Skateschoenen patroon

Van het merk Fallen

Er zijn helaas geen Fallen The Crest Skateschoenen patroon aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

A tribute to retro tech skate shoes . With The Crest Skate Shoes, Fallen pays homage to the good old tech skate days. The new Impact Foam II insole gives you buttery soft landings, while a little extra puff gives you even more comfort. In addition, Fallen have come up with some upgrades for this season that make the classic even better. FLX technology offers greater comfort and durability, while the True Fit Feel keeps the tongue centred. The Crest is rounded off by a robust, abrasion-resistant cupsole.


Merk Fallen
EAN 8445160059260