Deckbox Watchtower 100+ XL Geel

Van het merk Gamegenic

Er zijn helaas geen Deckbox Watchtower 100+ XL Geel aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Your hoard is on my watch. TOP and EXCLUSIVE FEATURE: Made to fit 100 double-sleeved cards in particularly thick Inner Sleeves*. This extra large version of the Watchtower 100+ can be used to store 100 regular double-sleeved cards with extra space for additional tokens, or use it as the perfect fit for a Commander** deck in thicker inner sleeves. INNOVATION: The convertible Watchtower combines deck box, accessories drawer, and card holder in one elegant box. An innovative card stack holder keeps even a large deck in perfect shape at the gaming table. No more tipping over your card stack when drawing cards. Additionally, the accessories drawer is perfect to house dice, counters, and other small items. *Optimized for particularly thick Inner Sleeves. We recommend Gamegenic sleeves. Sleeves from other brands may affect capacity/compatibility **Commander, is an official title for a casual multiplayer format for Magic: the Gathering by Wizards of the Coast. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED by their respective trademark holders. The representation of compatibility does not infer challenge of intellectual property rights, nor the endorsement of our products by the represented company.


Merk Gamegenic
EAN 4251715412169