GripGrab Merino Lightweight Socks SL - Sokken

Van het merk Gripgrab

Er zijn helaas geen GripGrab Merino Lightweight Socks SL - Sokken aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Merino wool component of the Merino Lightweight Socks is what gives them their incredible warmth to weight ratio and you'll also find they remain fresher for longer than normal sports socks, thanks to wool's natural anti-bacterial characteristics. GripGrab also add in open mesh zones that work with the natural moisture-wicking performance to ensure your feet stay both warm and free of sweat.  A stretch arch support and seamless toe closure raise comfort levels to a new level, in fact, you'll barely know the socks are there. With their subtle and stylish design, they're also just as at home with work attire as they are with sports gear. 


Merk Gripgrab
EAN 5708486005704