Endura Pro SL Leg Warmer II - Beenwarmers

Van het merk Endura

Er zijn helaas geen Endura Pro SL Leg Warmer II - Beenwarmers aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Pro SL Arm Leg Warmer IIs are made with a windproof and breathable material which keeps cold winds out while still allowing your skin to breathe when you're pushing hard on the pedals. Not only that, but a DWR finish is also applied to fend off light rain, drizzle and sharp showers, letting you ride longer in comfort. With a soft and fleecy inner face, you'll also enjoy cosy warmth when temperatures are low. Pair them with your favourite all-weather cycling shorts for versatile comfort any season of the year.


Merk Endura
EAN 5055939958071