Endura Kid's Xtract Waist Tights - Korte fietsbroeken

Van het merk Endura

Er zijn helaas geen Endura Kid's Xtract Waist Tights - Korte fietsbroeken aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Made from a stretchy, brushed back fabric, the Kids Xtract Tights keep body heat nicely trapped inside, protecting young riders from low temperatures. But not just that, they’re breathable too, so even as they pedal hard and dash off up the road and trail, they won’t get drenched in a cold sweat. The stretch of the tights lets them pedal easily and an elastic waist holds the tights nicely in place. With reflective trims, they’re also more visible on any bike ride that’s just too much fun to finish before sunset.


Merk Endura
EAN 5055939959221