Endura Pro SL L/S Jersey II - Fietstruien

Van het merk Endura

Er zijn helaas geen Endura Pro SL L/S Jersey II - Fietstruien aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

A snug and warm thermal jersey, such as the Pro SL Long Sleeve Jersey II, is a boon for any committed cold-weather cyclist. On cool days it's ideal as an outer layer, keeping warmth in but still allowing perspiration to easily escape and some air permeability there to regulate temperature. When temperatures drop and rain is in the air you'll find it's perfect worn under a winter rain jacket, again locking in warmth while remaining nicely breathable. With its slim performance cut and stretch fabrics, it also fits beautifully when you're on the bike, with a lightweight elastic hem keeping the jersey sleek and in place. Three rear pockets and a zipped security pocket provides all the space you need for nutrition and ride essentials while subtle reflective details come into their own after dark really catching the eye when caught in headlight beams. 


Merk Endura
EAN 5055939957715