Endura Hummvee Gilet - Fietshesjes

Van het merk Endura

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Product omschrijving

We all know how easy it can be to let the weather put us off getting our base mileage in the autumn and winter, but why should we? The very best cyclists would stop at nothing, and what’s good enough for them is more than good enough for the rest of us. Introducing the water- and windproof Hummvee Gilet from Endura keeps you dry and warm through the very worst weather, and it’s immensely packable nature allows you to pop it into a pocket on those unpredictable days. Comfort meanwhile comes thanks to the venting mesh panels on the back which lets in plenty of cooling airflow should things begin to heat up, while soft microfibre at the collar delivers extra comfort and warmth. An adjustable hem and Lycra in the armholes helps you find your perfect fit, and a reflective trim rounds things out by keeping you safe and seen as those long winter evenings begin to draw in.


Merk Endura
EAN 5055939943428