Northwave Force 2 Shorts - Korte fietsbroeken

Van het merk Northwave

Er zijn helaas geen Northwave Force 2 Shorts - Korte fietsbroeken aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

 If you're just starting in the sport of cycling and enjoy riding for leisure and fitness then the Force 2 Shorts are just the ticket for a comfortable ride. Taking a high-quality stretch fabric and using a multi-panel design Northwave achieve a great fit that is comfortable and supportive. Mesh braces mean you can work up a sweat and still remain cool and dry, while the leg cuffs use silicone elastic for a firm fit that won't ride up. Balancing value and performance the Force 2's will add comfort to your ride. If you've never tried bib shorts before these are a great introduction to the benefits while more experienced riders will appreciate their comfort for short to medium mileage rides.


Merk Northwave
EAN 8030819034295