POC VPD Air+ Tee - Beschermers

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Product omschrijving

Combining minimal padding with unrivalled flexibility, the POC VPD Air + Tee combines protection and comfort for an offroad creation destined for greatness. Allowing for freedom of movement in the chest and elbow regions, the flexible mesh is extremely lightweight and highly breathable to ensure you stay cool from the first pedal until the last. The back protector is ventilated to reduce the build-up of sweat and sports impressive shock absorption levels to ensure an unexpected fall doesn’t do damage. Fitting perfectly to your upper body thanks to the elastic mesh, the VPD Air+ Tee has low-profile sleeve and chest comfort pads and the reinforced fabric crafted on the elbow provides the perfect defence barrier when coming into contact with rough terrain and rocks. For those searching for a customisable fit, the optional waist strap allows you to personalise your comfort easily. With comfort, compression and ventilation all working hand-in-hand to provide one of the finest forms of protection the trail has seen, even the roughest riding conditions don’t stand a chance of ruining your session.


Merk Poc
EAN 7325540952798