Giro Women's Berm Off Road Shoes - Fietsschoenen

Van het merk Giro

Er zijn helaas geen Giro Women's Berm Off Road Shoes - Fietsschoenen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

As the name suggests, this is the footwear to choose when you’re exploring for your new favourite berms and jumps. The Giro Women's Berm Off Road Shoes are ready for all sorts of terrain thanks to an aggressive tread pattern that provides you with grip and a whole heap of durability in the mix: the rubber outsole and Rockprint reinforced hell and toe that resists abrasion with real ease. Clipless pedal compatibility makes it easy to move away from the saddle for a post-ride pint, a mix of synthetic fibre and mesh in the upper portion of the shoe gives you easy freedom of movement, and finally a stout injected nylon inner shank that helps you transfer your power to the pedals.


Merk Giro
EAN 768686223075