Assos Women's XC Short Sleeve Jersey - Fietstruien

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Product omschrijving

Lightweight stripe fabric, unrivalled breathability and comfort certain to blow your mind. The Women's XC Short Sleeve Jersey is one of the coolest garments for intense cross-country mountain biking, keeping you as sweat-free as possible when steep punchy climbs and rooty trails start to take their toll. There is ample ventilation when riding steep climbs with a mesh fabric under the arms to let perspiration escape. Thanks to the moisture-wicking technology, sweat and odours are eliminated to keep you free and focused for shredding 24/7. For a fit worthy of a mountain bike champion, the Women's XC Short Sleeve Jersey has been tested tirelessly by the brand to ensure you're ready to tackle even the most demanding of technical trail sections. The MTB cut works around the shoulders to leave you free to move and manoeuvre without being restricted. And the Type.157 stripe tex fabric has a stretchy, circular knit for a smooth refined fit across the body. Almost like wearing like a second skin. When it comes to full-gas racing efforts and fast off-road efforts you're not going to feel held back and the smooth fit ensures improved comfort and less drag as you hit top speed.


Merk Assos
EAN 2220000109499