Birzman Packman Travel Top Tube Pack - Bovenbuistassen

Van het merk Birzman

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Product omschrijving

Easily held on to your frame by the straightforward and easy-to-attach Velcro tethers, the Packman Travel Top Tube Pack is water repellent and abrasion resistant to ensure that your must-haves are kept safe and dry at all times, in all weathers. Made of 420D / 600D high-density fabric, the bag features a zipped up interior compartment with 0.8 litres of space for your kit, tools and on-the-go energy boosts. A further 3 external pockets for your phone, wallet and other pocket-sized items make the Packman Travel Top Tube Pack a compact and convenient bike bag for those smaller necessary bits and bobs. 


Merk Birzman
EAN 4714247518902