IXS Trigger FF Helmet - Helmen

Van het merk Ixs

Er zijn helaas geen IXS Trigger FF Helmet - Helmen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

When you're taking on ever harder trails, bigger trail features and progressing with your mountain biking, trust in your equipment is paramount. When it comes to protecting your head this is particularly vital. With iXS's Trigger FF Helmet you can be confident that should you push a bit too far beyond your capabilities you're perfectly protected. Progression will involve some hard falls so don't compromise head protection.  Weight? What Weight? The first thing to notice with the Trigger FF is its lack of heft but in no way is the protection compromised. How is this achieved you may ask? Pivotal to this achievement is the patented fully in-moulded unibody construction and internal X-Frame - combined they deliver DH certified protection while keeping weight to a mind-blowingly low 595 grams for the small/medium and just 660 grams for the medium/large. Once on it's a helmet you'll soon forget about, such is its lack of bulk.  X-FRAMETM Unique to iXS helmets, X-Frame provides incredible all-round protection where the shell of the helmet is directly connected to the impact-absorbing EPS material. This patented technology sees the faceguard seamlessly connected with the head EPS liner, resulting in enhanced structural strength while allowing iXS to strip away unnecessary weight and bulk plus allowing them to enhance ventilation.  iXS Sweat the Details - You Do the Sweating Mountain biking is a demanding sport and getting hot and sweaty is inevitable, but the Trigger FF Helmet doesn't compromise when it comes to keeping you cool. A copious number of vents are strategically placed around the helmet to enhance airflow and when combined with integrated internal channels you'll enjoy sweat-beating air circulation. If you do go beyond the limits of tyre grip and you end up hitting the dirt hard then you can rely on the ErgoFit Ultra system to keep the Trigger FF firmly in place and with it's vertical and horizontal adjustment it gives you an easily customized fit. The Fidlock magnetic closure also makes it easy to get the FF on and off. Lastly, the 2-level visor adjustment allows you to rest goggles and adjust the visor to your preferred position. 


Merk Ixs
EAN 7630053197179