IXS Trigger Goggle - Fietsbrillen

Van het merk Ixs

Er zijn helaas geen IXS Trigger Goggle - Fietsbrillen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

IXS’ Trigger Goggles come with a large polycarbonate lens that enhances your vision and provides an unobstructed peripheral vision. The lens construction also boosts protection with impact and abrasion resistance. An integrated UV Schutz filter blocks out harmful UV light rays and an anti-fog coating reduces condensation of humidity. The ergonomic frame is cushioned with a triple layer of interior face foam that offers great sweat absorption. To stabilise the fit the Trigger Goggles are held in place via a 45mm, wide elastic strap that works with most helmet types.  


Merk Ixs
EAN 7630053118648