IXS Trigger Upper Body protection - Beschermers

Van het merk Ixs

Er zijn helaas geen IXS Trigger Upper Body protection - Beschermers aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Ergonomically designed to work with your muscles, the Trigger Upper Body protection certainly fires on all cylinders when it comes to protection. It meets stringent cycling standards for safety and the XMatterTM padding ensures that your entire upper body is kept safe no matter how you ride. A leading light for offroad armour, the Trigger is extremely breathable, lightweight and the impressive ventilation works to maintain your focus and avoid the build-up of perspiration. A compression fit, the jersey retains energy in the muscles to keep you in the saddle for longer while the ability to continuously explode into berms and kickers will keep the thrill seeker in you happy throughout. For those obsessed with comfort, the Xmatter padding makes each and every adventure better than the last. It works to keep you protected from unexpected falls from the bike and works in tandem with the FlexZip stretchable zip, a feature that allows for a quick and customised fitting that gets you on the trail quicker. Ready, aim, fire! Shoot yourself downhill and through technical sections full of confidence thanks to your new Trigger Upper Body protection.


Merk Ixs
EAN 7613019264412