Shimano SD5 Sandals - Fietsschoenen

Van het merk Shimano

Er zijn helaas geen Shimano SD5 Sandals - Fietsschoenen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The original Shimano cycling sandals established themselves as an unlikely icon of their footwear range. But they have proved incredibly popular for leisure riders and two-wheeled explorers alike. They're now back with a fresh new look and updated design to make the SD5 Sandals better than ever.  They now come in a range of standard sizes to let you get just the right size for you. The improved comfort liner does exactly what it says, enhances comfort, particularly when you're not wearing socks - though wearing socks is recommended when you're on the bike and pedalling. The sole is improved too, with a stiffness tailored for efficient pedalling but with tuned flex for comfortable walking too. You can choose to use clip-in SPD pedals for a secure pedalling feel but the cleat-cap lets you use flat pedals with ease too. Cleat Guidance These Sandals are compatible with MTB pedal systems, which use cleats with SPD standard (2-bolt standard), e.g.: Shimano SPD, Time ATAC, CrankBrothers, CrankBrothers Race, Look MTB, Xtreme MTB, Wellgo MTB, Ritchey MTB. 


Merk Shimano
EAN 4550170721169