Michelin Power Time Trial Road Folding Tyre - Banden

Van het merk Michelin

Er zijn helaas geen Michelin Power Time Trial Road Folding Tyre - Banden aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Whether you're competing in a time trail event or clocking up the miles on your road bike, this folding tyre is engineered for performance. It features a hard-wearing Race-2 rubber compound, which means that you'll benefit from its long-lasting durability and control across every mile. Ready for racing, this model keeps its weight low thanks to its 3x180 tpi carcass. This makes it a perfect choice of upgrade to meet the demands of professional, semi-professional and amateur riders who want exceptional durability, without any unnecessary weight.


Merk Michelin
EAN 3528706641435