K2 Party Platter 2024 Snowboard patroon

Van het merk K2

Er zijn helaas geen K2 Party Platter 2024 Snowboard patroon aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Party harder with the Party Platter . No other board parties as much as the Party Platter. Celebrate the festivities as they fall, ride any terrain and just have fun snowboarding. The all-terrain daily driver from K2 promises even more good mood than before. Great quality and all the features riders who want to shred the whole mountain expect.Riding styleWith this board you can party all over the mountain. The playful nature and compact overall length guarantee fast turns and unprecedented manoeuvrability.ShapeThe Party Platter comes with a directional shape. It offers a lot of stability and good uplift at high speeds. A directional shape is the classic, most versatile snowboard shape. The pop is concentrated in the tail and provides ample float and control in all terrain and snow conditions.ProfileThe Combination Camber Baseline™ combines the best of both worlds. You enjoy the precision and pop of a camber combined with the float and playfulness of a rocker.FlexThe Party Platter has a medium-stiff flex. It combines response and playfulness.ConstructionVolume Shift™ redistributes the volume in the snowboard - this construction gives you a shorter but wider board that offers the same uplift and stability as your normal board but is more manoeuvrable due to its short length. The BAP Core is made of three types of renewable wood that form a core that is strong, lightweight and provides excellent cushioning without the addition of other materials. The Ollie Bar™ between the inserts give the Party Platter some serious Ollie Pop. Biax fibreglass offers a jib-friendly, minimally torsional flex and a forgiving feel. The Sintered 4000 Base absorbs wax deep into the pores and ensures the best glide and long-lasting durability when properly cared for.


Merk K2
EAN 196222111072