Wella Professionals Care Invigo Blonde Recharge Colour Refreshing Shampoo Cool Blonde 300ml

Van het merk Wella Professionals Care

Er zijn helaas geen Wella Professionals Care Invigo Blonde Recharge Colour Refreshing Shampoo Cool Blonde 300ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Developed to refresh blonde tones, the Wella Professionals Care Invigo Blonde Recharge Colour Refreshing Shampoo helps to neutralise the look of brassy and yellow hues. Gently cleansing away impurities, the silky shampoo works dually to deposit pigments that help to visibly restore cool blonde tones. The formula is fortified with vitamin E to grant long-lasting softness, while a subtle floral scent whisks the senses away with each wash.


Merk Wella Professionals Care
EAN 4064666339047