Hope Fortus 26 MTB Rear Wheel - Achterwielen

Van het merk Hope

Er zijn helaas geen Hope Fortus 26 MTB Rear Wheel - Achterwielen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Sturdily built using a tough, welded aluminium, the 26mm-wide rim gives a balanced and reliable roll as you tackle a variety of off-road terrains. Spinning on a Pro 4 hub, a friction-free performance is achieved, no matter how rough and ready your run becomes. The hard-wearing hub comes complete with a four-pawl, ratchet system freehub, offering super-fast engagement for taking on intense climbs and speedy sprints. Disc brake-optimisation and a tubeless-ready profile round out this hard-hitting and boldly-built back wheel. 


Merk Hope
EAN 5056033463294