La Sportiva TX4 Shoes - Schoenen

Van het merk La Sportiva

Er zijn helaas geen La Sportiva TX4 Shoes - Schoenen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

With the TX4 Shoes, a thick leather upper provides durability and comfort, with abrasion resistant materials able to withstand the rigours of rock faces and sharp terrain. Underneath this, a ultra-sticky Vibram® Mega-Grip™ traverse outsole demands traction from the surface underneath, gripping all terrains with competence and confidence.  When wearing, the wide forefoot fit provides all day comfort and stability, allowing the TX4 to be worn throughout the day without rubbing or sore feet. For support, the STB Control System™ provides torsional rigidity without losing any of the cushioning.


Merk La Sportiva
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