WTB Volt Titanium Saddle - Zadels

Van het merk Wtb

Er zijn helaas geen WTB Volt Titanium Saddle - Zadels aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Whether you're pedalling over gravel country roads or attacking an epic downhill descent, this reliable component is tested and proven to give you maximum performance. It features a hard-wearing microfibre cover construction which makes it ideal for withstanding the increased pressure from all-day epics and daring adventures. Keeping you in full control, this version has an upward curved tail and a gentle drop in its nose which gives you something to push against while pedalling. To top it off, its medium padding thickness and subtle curves make it one of the most popular MTB saddles available from WTB.


Merk Wtb
EAN 714401655850