Endura Pro SL Lite Gilet II - Fietshesjes

Van het merk Endura

Er zijn helaas geen Endura Pro SL Lite Gilet II - Fietshesjes aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

No matter what the season, it's always worth having the Pro SL Lite Gilet II close to hand. Windproof front and side panels prevent body heat from being robbed away by cold winds. Meanwhile, the mesh rear panel maintains excellent breathability, ensuring you don't end up overwhelmed with sweat when you press harder on the pedals. The 'Athletic Fit' hugs the body, minimising flapping and drag, saving you energy over the course of your ride.  And when you don't need the extra protection, the Pro SL is easily rolled up and stashed in a jersey pocket. You'll barely know it's there. 


Merk Endura
EAN 5056286900133