KMC DLC10 10 Speed Chain - Kettingen

Van het merk Kmc

Er zijn helaas geen KMC DLC10 10 Speed Chain - Kettingen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

This low-weighted model features 116 links which feature Hollow Tech technology for a diamond-like coating. Additionally, this coating allows for high surface hardness and rust resistance as well as low friction. Additionally, its X-bridge outer plate ensures maximum shifting performance alongside its 3X-SP treatment which immensely enhances durability. Technologies: Hollow Tech: A Diamond Like Coating provides high surface hardness and rust resistance as well as immense durability and low friction. X-bridge: Outer plate ensures maximum shifting performance. 3X- SP Treatment: Triple extreme stretch proof treatment of the pins and plates makes this chain less susceptible to wear from sand or dirt entering the chain bearings. This drastically enhances durability.


Merk Kmc
EAN 4715575896038